Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 8: Outline

USM Work Study Program Proposal

PowerPoint Presentation
I. Introduction
a. Group members
b. Why we selected USM WSP
c. Our proposal envision
II. History of Work Study Program (WSP)
a. Basic Facts
b. Date started at USM
c. Benefits of WSP both students, campus, and future employers
d. Qualifications and restrictions of holding a USM WS job
III. USM Vision and Mission of WSP
a. Vision
i. student employees important to Southern Miss
ii. Why? provide valuable services to campus departments and offices
b. Mission
i. Southern Miss Goal: to provide student workers with economic and social benefits
ii. Benefits: provide student workers with professional employment skills and behavior
IV. Financial Situation of USM WSP
a. Money allocated for USM WSP (PowerPoint slide with this number typed on it, with some type of animation to draw attention to how much is spent on WSP)
b. Compare WSP allocation to other allocations allowed on campus
c. How money is used (charts and graphs)
d. Pros/cons of USM WSP financial standing (presented in a chart or table, blue writing for pros and red writing for cons)
V. The Problem: Students working WS jobs that are not linked to their major
VI. Solutions to the Problem
a. Assign jobs within students major
b. Draw attention to USM WSP
c. Create fliers advertising USM WSP (word document of flyer)
d. Advisers help push the USM WSP (sample booklet of WSP jobs in each major)
VII. Generate more money for USM WSP
a. More money = more WS jobs
b. Benefits of MORE WSP jobs
i. Students learn valuable skills that will be used in future jobs (video clip of a former student saying how WSP job helped him/her at their current job)
ii. Better students create a more valid USM credibility rating
iii. Increases the value of an USM education (quotes from former students or bosses of former USM Students)
c. Fundraisers
i Ideas (ex: t-shirt sales, raffles, bake sales, etc.)
II. How money will be disbursed (chart/graph)
VIII. Conclusion
a. Long term effects of this proposal on the university
b. Brief summary of the USM WSP Proposal

This is the outline for our group project. Some of the topics were not fully researched because of time constraints. If we were able to revise anything it would be better research for topics such as History. I also thought it would be interesting to see what changes have been made to work study in the past to make it better and what if other schools have made any changes that are similar to the idea we propose here.

More time and with more group members collaborating this project would have gone really well.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 7: Editorial

In the media in general you are going to find drama and a lot of bickering. This is a story I thought was important because it exposes some of the corruption within U.S. competitive sports.

Lance Armstrong is a well-known sports icon who has inspired many with his record breaking winning streak in the Tour de France. The Tour de France is a famous bike race that requires an amazing amount of training and physical athleticism to complete. Lance competed as he was battling severe cancer. A person like this is hands down recognized as an inspiration to persevere.

Lance Armstrong has continually been accused of drug use and blood doping, which are illegal means of enhancing an athlete's performance. In the first link posted Lance is accused by a former teammate, Floyd Landis, of using drugs. In the second, he is accused of paying someone money to say that one of his competitors was using illegal drugs. The things with competitive sports is that there are all kinds of things going on behind the scenes. Anything that can make an athlete compete better and can be hidden well is used. I don't know if Lance Armstrong blood dopes or not but I do know that the men that race in the Tour de France are put on IV's when they sleep at night to get the nutrients and calories they need to race how they do. Blood doping by means of blood transfusion wouldn't be hard to accomplish during the race.

No one wants to see great men exposed or fall short. The American population place men like this in high places in their hearts, but when great men are placed under high expectations, and they don't meet those expectations; it can be very harmful to their careers or credibility. One slip and its off the deep end. This is not the first case though, in all professional athletics there are allegations and there are abusers. People who regulate things like this would like to ban all substance abuse but it is hard to test and account for some things. No one wants to believe athletes are cheating, but don't get your hopes up

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Progress Report: Week 6

Our Proposal was directed toward the work study program at USM, with purpose to develop a system to assign students more work study jobs in areas specific to their major and interest. This creates the opportunity for a student to learn the practical sides of their career field as well as cost benefits for the university. The more money is paid out to students the more it comes back through tuition. This is only the surface of the idea. The deeper aspects of the proposal reached into the idea of creating better students which validates USM's credibility, thereby increasing the value of education received at the university.

Facts and Discussion
Though this proposal put forth a good creative idea it was not as developed as we would have liked it to be. It was difficult to find information concerning the universities current budget and the costs of work study. This can cause it to be less credible so we had hoped to find some more details regarding costs. It was difficult getting everyone together and communicating; we still have not really coordinated information back to each other so the proposal remains incomplete. We did not expect for the different events in our personal life to come up, one group member was on holiday and another was dealing with a loss in the family. I also had family plans I was trying to work around on top of other work that needed to be completed, but these all are perfect examples of things that can happen when you are working with several people on different schedules. I personally recommend getting started early. One way you can do this is effective brainstorming. Brainstorming is not just thinking of good topics; it is taking a topic and seeing how far you can go with it by picking it apart and organizing a plan of action. This will help you have plenty to talk about and research. It always better to have more aspects in the beginning because you can always use less than you started with instead not having enough to begin with.


In preparing for this project difficulties should have been expected and avoided, but there is no going back-in-time with learning experiences like these. We do however plan to complete the project and get all the details worked out. Our timeline has been pushed around a bit, as some valuable time has been spent waiting to hear from group members (I too being a member waited on). I know that the members in this group are all focused individuals, and once we pull together, the project will not be as difficult and we can discuss how to get back on a progressive path to success.


It would have been helpful had I known whether to ultimately finish the project alone, and if I continued to wait on group members how that would effect my grade. I have been anxious to complete this project, but have not received any notice to do so and have been waiting because I was advised at first to wait on my group members. I am not placing any blame because this project should have been anticipated to a greater extent and the course requires a lot of work so it is difficult not only for the students but for the teacher, especially in making exceptions here and there. I find my discussion leader to be very helpful with great ideas and an encouraging attitude; I just think that the summer class is a hard one to contend with.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Week 5: Jobs and Internships

The week 5 blog assignment is pertaining to internships, professional job opportunities, and other career based programs. Interestingly, I received an email a few weeks back from one of the HPR directors that informs students about such opportunities. I did not have a link to the website but below is a description of the internship. As you read, you will notice that among the many activities, there are multiple chances to become well-rounded in outdoor recreation, fitness and health.

* You make your internship at Fort Campbell your own! A significant time at our
program involves working closely with the Challenge Course and with Adventure
Programs. Beyond that there are many routes that can be taken based on your
interests. Outdoor Recreation offers instructional programs in rock climbing
(actually outdoor climbing and climbing wall), mountain biking, high and low
ropes courses, hiking, canoeing, youth camps, paintball, and much more. Each
intern is expected to familiarize themselves with each activity, but you can direct
your focus toward any area. Each intern will be required to create and implement
a special project which will benefit Outdoor Recreation.
- This internship requires some strenuous activities which may require working in physically demanding situations in various weather conditions. A good majority of your internship will be spent outdoors. Interns will be susceptible to cuts, bruises, and strain type injuries. Interns will work on all stages of programs delivery meeting the basic duties fulfilled by an NF-2 position which include planning events, marketing, implementing, program review and clean up, etc. As students show more initiative and responsibility the Outdoor Recreation staff may turn programs over to interns from start to finish with little to no direct supervision.

Students pursuing a college degree and
need an internship/work study as part of their curriculum
Students pursuing degrees in recreation related fields or recreation therapy
Must be able to lift and carry objects weighing 75 lbs or more
Must possess a valid CPR/First Aid

Orthotics & Prosthetics Tech Trainee
Good hand skills
Creativity and problem solving abilities..
Aptitude to implement new skills and concepts
Knowledge of hand tools and power equipment is beneficial.
This website features interning abroad. Most individuals you would be interning with are well trained and experienced.
This is the master's program at USM for Exercise Science. Its requirements emphasize more academic based criteria.
-- A bachelor's or master's degree
--GPA of 2.75 or higher on the last 60 hours of course work
--Acceptable GRE score or TOEFL minimum score of 550 (Internationals).
--Three (3) letters of recommendation
--Official transcripts from all institutions of higher learning attended
--Current resume

These websites all provide professional training and great opportunities to learn and apply valuable tools for my career interest or fields related to my field. Any experience in Health or recreation will benefit my job outlook and opportunities and make me a better applicant for future jobs.

I have never been that interested in joining any kind of military based organization and the first internship described most likely implements this kind of attitude.However, it especially, but also other jobs, requires the ability to motivate yourself. With any job this is a "must have", but I know that it is a skill I possess. I have always been able to stay focused and not give up, even under high stress conditions. One way I can display this on a resume is through my references. My experience in work thus far This is a foundational contributor to many other qualifications and therefore is a valuable asset to encompass. I also meet all of the physical fitness qualifications that apply in the jobs addressed. As for any jobs in health related fields, CPR certification is a preferred skill, luckily I have had a chance to take this class in my Undergraduate Career.

I feel like I would be most qualified for the first internship. I have done outdoor activities like the ones described and think I would enjoy learning more about them. Even though I don't prefer the idea of a military based atmosphere, I do understand the roles of leadership and discipline that this type of job would most likely require. The study abroad program is definitely a great opportunity to interact with experienced persons in the field of Exercise Science. Thankfully, my lifestyle matches my career interest, so I believe I would be qualified for most of these great opportunities.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Week 4

Mr. or Ms. Webmaster:

I love Kayaking, canoeing, outdoors, anything that involves me being on a river or outdoors appeals. I came across your site and just thought I'd take a dreamy look at the products (as if I could ever purchase anything as a college student). I was intrigued to find a site that seemed full of opportunities, but I got kind of lost on the homepage with so many things going on. As I began skimming through, I found the info bar at the top, which was very helpful, and led me to different well-organized pages. So then I thought to myself, "What a great idea it would be to write this site's webmaster a helpful evaluation and critique!" And I did just that.

I think if I were going to make some changes I would begin on the front page. The first page needs to have a clear and concise image of what the website really is with a more inviting feel. Almost like, hey you've made it, you'll find what you're looking for and feel free to explore. The customer needs are within the site so if there was more inclination of pointing them in the direction of where they really want to go. This also provides plenty of time to explore other things as they skim the list looking for their destination. If their link is on the front page but there is a whole lot of other information there is a chance your viewer could overlook something and can get discouraged trying to find something. Imagine if you walked into walmart to get something in particular or to just look around but everything they had was stacked up right in front of you. This is what crowding information looks like on a website; it makes it hard to find anything.

I do think to accompany all that is happening on this front page, the plain water blue, grey, and white background was a good choice. However, if there was a change in the layout of things there could be a prouder color. Even if the choice is grey, a good grey can be quite appealing and bring a strong connection that causes the reader to feel at ease. The water blue (atleast that's what I thought of when I saw it). It is fitting but it is a little awkward. It is ordinary but at the same time pretty vibrant. I think because there are no contrasting colors. Try blues on top of blues or using some fading effects. You don't have to go to much out of your original color range to see it really take form. It might even look like real water.

So basically the feel I am getting from this site is, "Go exploring, have fun and if you need anything, we got it!", which is great, and I think you have all the means necessary for my next trip, except I've got to find it, and I need a clear path to my ideas of where I want to go. I also get the family feel, which means Mom and Dad are on here, and who has the money after all to do this type of thing -- adults. Not all adults, especially ones who are in to outdoors, know how to find these details on a website. They need clarity, and you have to be able to provide that. I don't know how many times my dad has looked for the same login button he uses every time on, his mouse circling around till finally, "There it is!" Of course I knew where it was but I grew up on these machines. Basically, I'm saying to make sure there is enough clarity so all your customers can enjoy your site to its fullest potential.

Enjoyed it

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 3: Effectiveness in Websites and Brainstorming for my own.

Links of two University websites that I will reference in this blog.

Link1, from Florida State University

Link2, from the University of North Carolina

Define what you believe to be the primary objectives necessary for creating an effective site.

An effective website in my opinion needs to be simple but attractive. When I log on to a website and see a billion sparkling wizzy dizzies and fonts and titles that are break dancing, I immediately allow myself to feel disgust, then I normally leave that site. Effective sites should be clear and familiar but with color that makes you linger and find the interesting things in it. It is like a nearly clear sky with that true blue color that comes out once in a while. Its not to busy, not too much to look at but authentic, making it hard to turn away.

University websites are typically trying to attract people to their college, their web site should announce professionalism. After all, that is the product of a successful college career; in other words, I want to be good at what I just paid for. That being said, I think that silly fonts and cartoons are unnecessary, it's a university not a daycare. Then there are the University websites that have a Junior College feel. Link 2 is a good example of this, on the front page they have pictures that have been stretched to fit so everyone looks distorted. No thanks, I'm not attending your school just to have my face stretched like elastic across your front page. Of course, I do feel I am being a little rash, but it is easy to be critical when you don't have to format these things yourself, but still, you'd think a college should be able to find someone to design a website.

Link 1 is the better of the two links as far as design is concerned. Florida State University offers an exceptional program in Exercise Science that prepares students to learn the professional, technical, and interpersonal aspects of a career in their proposed work field.

Link 2 is not as appealing it its appearance, but after prodding around a bit I got the impression that UNC actually involves their students in the course work first hand. They display pictures of students rock climbing and exercising, knowing the terrain in North Carolina, I could only be excited about the opportunities that might await there. My perception about this college is a perfect example of what one picture can do for the success of a website.

Because I have not decided yet what I am planning to do for my website I thought I would answer these questions accordingly as if I were very concerned about canine fitness.

I am creating a website to inform the population about the importance of exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Sure we have seen plenty of these, but plenty is not enough. I think that it is important for people to realize that a healthy lifestyle is not just an issue of appearance and feeling good, its about life or death. I talked to a girl not too long ago who told me about her 60 year old grandmother who's in a nursing home in a wheel chair. She is not handicapped; she has diabetes but she is not disabled. What is wrong with this picture. My dad is 60 and he is a black belt in karate and still manages his construction business. I just think that people don't realize that they can do something about it. This website is there to inform about common feeling about exercise and health, and the truth about it.

My readers are young adults and older who should have the ability to understand most of the physiological and psychological concepts pertaining to exercise. The reader is the person in the population who thinks they know something about being healthy, but really they don't. Apparently, if they have found my website they are showing some initiative to do something. Which means they are looking for some guidance. Hopefully, the communication involved will be conducted in such a way that the reader will find the information easy to understand and be able to easily apply it to their own lives. Any specialty discussed will most likely be unknown to the reader.

1. What events and circumstances influence the way you should write?
I need to engage the information that people are regularly exposed to such as media, magazines, and television and pick out the truth and expose the lies.

Usability Objectives (Reader’s Tasks)
1. What are the key questions your reader will ask while reading?
What am I looking for? Is this guy for real? What can I start doing to involve some of these thing in my everyday life?
2. How will your reader search for the answer?
Most likely look for a heading that is similar to their questions. An example of Selective reading, as when using a reference book
3. How will your reader use the information you provide? By attempting to determine how the information you provide will affect him or her, and some will use it to determine how the information you provide will affect his or her organization. Readers may also follow instructions step by step
Persuasive Objectives (Reader’s Attitudes)
1. What is your reader’s attitude toward your subject? Apprehensive Why? Because most people have tried before and failed What do you want it to be? Hopeful
2. What is your reader’s attitude toward you? Most people are skeptical at first. Why? When people look at websites like this, the first thing that comes to mind is 'scam' What do you want it to be? Skeptical is fine as long as they find the information they need.

1. Who, besides your readers, are stakeholders in your communication? Any of my references will have an indirect vested interest in my site 2. How will they be affected by it? Their credibility affects me, and my credibility affects them.
1. What expectations, regulations, or other factors limit the way you can write? None hopefully. Only the standards of professionalism. I need to maintain that by not being childish and building my reputation in a credible way.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Better Fitness: Exercising at Lactate Threshold

Recently, I have become interested in the topic of lactate threshold, addressed in my Exercise Physiology class. I consider exercise to be a significant aspect of my life, and am always curious about new information to help me increase my physical ability and fitness. Lactate threshold occurs during the stress of exercise. Lactic acid is accumulated as the intensity of exercise increases; this is the burning feeling in the muscles during activity. The result of too much lactic acid is fatigue. In athletics, this is valuable information because if fatigue can be delayed than exercise can be more effective and last for a longer period of time. This immediately got my attention. After class I approached my teacher for more information concerning this issue. He advised me to research the topic from a scientific perspective. Having no scientist at hand, I turned to USM’s library database. I ran across an article edited by David Schipper. It appeared in the April 2006 Men’s Health magazine. Men’s Health is targeted toward men and was designed to cover multiple aspects of the stereotypical male’s persona, including articles on health, women, fitness, food, and the rest of the world.
I wanted to know how to train my lactate threshold so to delay fatigue during the stress of exercise. In athletic competition, any amount of training that will put the athlete at a level above his competitors is valuable. If an athlete can delay fatigue he can last longer than his opponent which as a result could place him in the winning position. This is especially important in the Olympics, the NFL, and other professional sports. This is also true for the average individual who wants to get the most out of exercise. According to this article, exercising at lactate threshold can improve fitness and cause your body to use lactate more efficiently.
This article is specific to lactate threshold, but also opens up a huge discussion regarding information about fitness. Much of the information about fitness provided by the haphazard informational kiosk, commonly known as the world wide web, has misinformed the interested population about the realistic terms of good exercise. Americans today are more out of shape than they have ever been, and magazines promoting the best diets and fat burning workouts have caused many motivated people to become uninterested in ever obtaining the body they desire. Popular culture magazines are generally more focused about what the reader wants to hear, instead of what the reader needs to hear, which is good in some respects but unhelpful in this respect. The information you normally see in these magazines is more times than not not going to give readers the results they want. This article is helpful because it has some valuable information for a population that needs to hear truth about real results. Exercising at lactate threshold can improve overall fitness, simple as that. I feel that the writer did a good job explaining the concepts of this biological phenomenon in an accessible way for the average individual. Although the writer did not necessarily address any common misconceptions, he did provide credible information that is biologically correct.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 1

Hello to you, reader. My name is Christopher Collins; generally people call me Chris, but genuinely I like Christopher because of its meaning. I am from Jackson, MS, more specifically the Brandon area. I grew up in fairly modest surroundings and had a good childhood and upbringing with a great family.

We were always pushed hard to increase our knowledge in just about everything, whether it be asking questions or being naturally curious. School was valued by my parents, but they were more concerned with my learning than my achievements. I did fairly well anyhow. My mother has her degree in English and actually taught sometime at a community college after she had been a stay-at-home mom long enough. At a young age, her influence was evident in my course work. I took to English subjects like a natural.

My high school had the most impact on my writing. Northwest Rankin High School was known for its deliberate torture of the human brain, or so I thought. Senior Project was the main contender in the battle of wit and academic endurance. It proved to emphasize more busy work and discipline than constructive learning. We started the project the year before and began working on our research paper the first day, this continued into our product proposal, product (community service project), product portfolio, senior project portfolio, and our final presentation. I was less success driven then, so I don't have fond memories of its "benefits." I, however, am thankful for every amount of stress that I have had to overcome in my life, especially in this realm of academics.

I realize that I am elaborating quite an exaggerated amount, but I figured since this is a blog I might as well. I'll finish up with my experience in college and in my major. After high school, I attended Hinds Community College for two years and majored in Classical guitar, but changed my major when I transferred to Southern as an Exercise Science major. I haven't had to write many papers for my major in particular because I am just now focusing on my core curriculum

In reference to writing in particular, I do enjoy writing that challenges me to actually discover some kind of new thing; something I have to dig into like my philosophy papers. I end up taking too long to write looking for particular words that describe what I am trying to say perfectly. I expect that this course will prepare me to write professionally, and I will allow it to do so.